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Refund Policy

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed: Our Hassle-Free Refund Policy

Gift Cards

Authentic Gift Card with Correct Balance through SafeEscrow
The SafeEscrow system ensures that your gift card has the balance claimed, at the brand claimed. If you find that your gift card does not contain the funds represented, at the brand represented, simply do not forward on your SafeEscrow amount, and lodge a complaint with [email protected]. Complaints lodged within 24 hours of you receiving the gift card information will receive priority support — while this does not guarantee adjudication in your favor, it does give you a higher benefit of the doubt.

Please note that the above guarantee expires if you modify the card (see below) in any way after receipt. We strongly encourage you check the balance of the card with the official balance checker immediately after receiving the card, or at least within 24 hours. The “Brand Claim” guarantee ensures that the card is valid at at least one brand clearly identified by the store. It is your responsibility to ensure your local store (e.g. in another country, offline vs online) accepts the gift card, especially if the gift card listing by the seller explicitly mentions restrictions in countries or store types.

The SafeEscrow system must be utilized by you to enforce the above behavior.

Modification of Gift Cards
Gift cards are considered modified if the official balance checker (e.g. shows anything different about the card compared to when we delivered it, or if you have used the card or revealed the card's information in anyway to any third party, including reselling networks like e.g. Paxful.

Default Gift Card Refund Policy
As we at WaterMelonMarkets (WMM) do not directly sell egift cards, all refund policies are set by individual sellers. The default refund policy, if not specified by a seller is as follows: if you are not satisfied with your gift card within 24 hours of receiving it, please let the seller know. The seller will provide you a refund if he is able to resell the gift card at the exact same terms, and after the new buyer forwards the funds.